New PCB Spin


  • TBD


Verify Electrical Design

  1. [ _ ] Run Electrical Rules Check (ERC)

  2. [ _ ] Run Design Rules Check (DRC)

  3. [ _ ] Verify high current trace widths

Verify Mechanical Design

  1. [ _ ] Physical dimensions

  2. [ _ ] Standoffs

  3. [ _ ] Part clearances

Verify Aesthetics

  1. [ _ ] Board dimensions markers

  2. [ _ ] Pin numbers

  3. [ _ ] Polarity markers

  4. [ _ ] Board name

  5. [ _ ] Board part number

  6. [ _ ] Board version

  7. [ _ ] Logos (optional)

  8. [ _ ] Fiducial markers

  9. [ _ ] Component names and values are clear and legible (ie not on top of a via)

Generate Files

  1. [ _ ] Generate gerber files using CAM job

  2. [ _ ] Print schematic(s)

  3. [ _ ] Print board outline with top copper shown

  4. [ _ ] Print board outline with bottom copper shown

  5. [ _ ] Create EagleCAD BOM using ULP

Update Docs

  1. [ _ ] Bill of Materials

  2. [ _ ] README.txt

  3. [ _ ] Changelog

  4. [ _ ] Close any open Github issues that have been fixed.

Package Files

  1. [ _ ] inv package

Detailed Instructions

Task 1

  • TBD

Task 2

  • TBD



Format: <major>.<minor>.<hotfix>

Major releases break physicial and/or electrical compatibility (eg connector pinout, standoff location, etc).

Minor releases add features and/or correct issues but do not break compatibility with previous versions.

Hotfixes are for documentation errors only (eg BOM)

Common Errors & Ommisions

  1. TBD


  1. TBD