Blog Posts¶
Title: The title must be unique for the day
Public: If not checked, then this post will only be visiable to logged in users.
Excerpt: A short summary for display as part of a list of blog posts (eg the home page)
Body: The body of the post. Convience tags have been provided (below)
Tags: For inclusion in the tag cloud/tag based navigation
Associated Models:
Post Links: All URL references that are associated with this post
Post Files: All uploaded files that are associated with this post
Post Images: All uploaded images/figures that are associated with this post.
a. Use the order fields on the associated models to control their render order when using
the author list tags
Post File¶
Title: A user friendy description of the file (eg Bill of Materials) which will be
used as the file download name (eg Bill of Materials.ods)
Post Image¶
Title: A user friendy description of the image. This is used for both the image
caption generated by the author image tags and as the alt text field for web
browsers that cannot display images.
a. All EXIF data (eg Latitude and Longitude) is stripped from images on upload.
b. The inline thumbnail is automatically generated on save()