Basic Syntax¶
$ rsync options source destination
-a archive mode (recursive + preserves symbolic links,
file permissions, user & group
ownership, and timestamps)
-h human-readable
-r recursive (doesn't perserve timestamps and
-v verbose
-z compress file data
--progress show progress while transfering data
Copy/Sync Locally¶
Sync backup.tar to /tmp/backups/
$ rsync -zvh backup.tar /tmp/backups
Sync all of the files from one directory to another on the local machine
$ rsync -avzh /root/rpmpkgs /tmp/backups
Copy/Sync Remotely¶
Sync a file from a remote server
$ rsync -avzhe ssh <user>@<ip addr>:/root/install.log /tmp/
Sync a file to a remote server
$ rsync -avzhe ssh backup.tar <user>@<ip addr>:/backups/
Sync a directory to a remote server
$ rsync -avzhe ssh /my_dir/ <user>@$<ip addr>:/root/my_dir/
Include & Exclude¶
Only transfer files and directories that start with ‘R’
$ rsync -avzhe ssh --include 'R*' --exclude '*' <user>@<ip addr>:/root/install.log /tmp/
Delete files at destination that are not in source
$ rsync -avz --delete <source> <destination>
Delete source files after successfull transfer
$ rsync -avz --remove-source-files <source> <destination>