:param [ParamName]: [ParamDescription], defaults to [DefaultParamVal]
:type [ParamName]: [ParamType](, optional)
:raises [ErrorType]: [ErrorDescription]
:return: [ReturnDescription]
:rtype: [ReturnType]
class SimpleBleDevice(Peripheral):
"""This is a conceptual class representation of a simple BLE device (GATT Server). It is
essentially an extended combination of the :class:`bluepy.btle.Peripheral`
and :class:`bluepy.btle.ScanEntry` classes
:param client: A handle to the :class:`simpleble.SimpleBleClient` client object that
detected the device
:type client: class:`simpleble.SimpleBleClient`
:param addr: Device MAC address, defaults to None
:type addr: str, optional
:param addrType: Device address type - one of ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC or ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM,
defaults to ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC
:type addrType: str, optional
:param iface: Bluetooth interface number (0 = /dev/hci0) used for the connection,
defaults to 0
:type iface: int, optional
:param data: A list of tuples (adtype, description, value) containing the AD type code,
human-readable description and value for all available advertising data items,
defaults to None
:type data: list, optional
:param rssi: Received Signal Strength Indication for the last received broadcast from the
device. This is an integer value measured in dB, where 0 dB is the maximum
(theoretical) signal strength, and more negative numbers indicate a weaker
signal, defaults to 0
:type rssi: int, optional
:param connectable: `True` if the device supports connections, and `False` otherwise
(typically used for advertising ‘beacons’)., defaults to `False`
:type connectable: bool, optional
:param updateCount: Integer count of the number of advertising packets received from the
device so far, defaults to 0
:type updateCount: int, optional
def getServices(self, uuids=None):
"""Returns a list of :class:`bluepy.blte.Service` objects representing the services
offered by the device. This will perform Bluetooth service discovery if this has not
already been done; otherwise it will return a cached list of services immediately..
:param uuids: A list of string service UUIDs to be discovered, defaults to None
:type uuids: list, optional
:return: A list of the discovered :class:`bluepy.blte.Service` objects, which match the
provided ``uuids``
:rtype: list On Python 3.x, this returns a dictionary view object, not a list